Happy Thursday ya’ll! Ready for the day? I know I know we are still “waiting” for the spring and the weather is still so cold but ya’ll it’s March already and I’m so ready for these floral , comfy dresses.
I’ve been practically living in this dress.It’s like t shirt material so comfort level is on point. I paired with over the knee boots cause the weather is still kinda chilly and a denim jacket to complete the casual , rustic look.
Believe it or not I got this dress on final sale in a local boutique for $10. So please don’t underestimate your local shops !
The boot is from Goodnight Macaroon. Also comes in black and grey. The boots are for $163 but still a great investment in my opinion. I got it on sale and I’ll definitely let you guys know if it’s back on sale. Get it here: https://www.goodnightmacaroon.co/collections/boots/products/marlo-tan-over-the-knee-suede-leather-boots
My sunglass is just for $10 from Amazon . Get it here:https://www.amazon.com/zeroUV-Oversized-Square-Rimmed-Sunglasses/dp/B01I07ERJY/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=12ZDSH6YYV6Y6&keywords=sunglasses+for+women&qid=1551967391&s=gateway&sprefix=sunglas%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1
Happy Shopping!