We are going through the strangest time of our lives right now. Nobody ever imagined that our world would look like a post apocalyptic movie scene from a dystopian movie, but here we are ! In this time of crisis and uncertainty, the cure is to stay positive. I want to share with y’all what I have been doing for past few days and few other options to stay healthy and sane in this current situation:
- Walking /Stretching : Moving your body is the key to stay healthy both physically and mentally. It doesn’t have to be a high intensity work out but light stretching or walking really set the mood for the day. I try to do 5000-10000 steps a day. I just walk in circles on my front porch area ,so even if your home doesn’t have a lot of space you can still manage to move your body. Start with a small goal and try to improve day by day. I did Crossfit for years and I loved it. Here’s an Youtube video of 10 min Crossfit workout without any equipment.
- Cooking: Cooking always takes my mind off of things . The best part is there are a 1000 recipes on the internet that you can experiment with. So the options are limitless. If you can’t cook , this is a good time to learn cooking because this ,my friend, is a basic life skill. If you can cook, time to improve your skill or may be learn a new cuisine! Try the Dalgona coffee trend or try making the smoothie bowls that everyone’s talking about . It’s healthy ,delicious and good for your sweet tooth. Here is one of my recipes.
- Reading: Reading is a great way to escape the reality so read those books that you bought but couldn’t manage the time to read . You don’t have to go to the bookstore , just order online or download free books and forget everything that is happening around you for a while. Your mind needs a little break too.
- Pick up a hobby : Rekindle the passion for an old hobby or pick up something new to stay productive and happy. Making terrarium is one of my hobbies and you can see a little video here on how to make them. you can order everything online on Amazon. Painting, learning a new language , music … these things are necessities now to keep our minds sane .
- Spending Family time: Let’s try to enjoy each moment to the fullest that we have on this earth with our loved ones because who knows…………Playing board games , movie nights, backyard barbeque or stay at home date nights are some great ideas that you can enjoy at home. Spend some time on facetime or Zoom checking up on family and friends. Try to set up some new family traditions for a little quarantine fun!
- Netflix: Watch some great shows and relax. Few of my favorite shows on Netflix to binge right now : 1.Friends (Classic) 2. The Office (hilarious) 3. Park and Recreation( So much positivity and laughter) 4. Gilmore Girls ( ahh gives me a soothing feeling, a feel good show) 5. Crash Landing on you ( the best romantic show out there) 6.Big bang theory ( funny and cute) , 7. Something in the rain( romantic) 7.Homeland ( thriller, the best one ) (available on Amazon Prime) 8.Memories of the Alhambra (amazing, must watch) 9.Arrested Development(Hilarious) 10. The Americans( Amazon Prime) (must watch).
- Designate a work space or even a corner for yourself. I can’t stress it enough. A designated space for work or destress is crucial for your mental health, to feel productive and get the job done. I know I’m a little bit late but I think there won’t be a better time than now to reveal my home office .

I know I’m saying all these things but the truth is I too have this crippling anxiety every. single. day. Being a wife of a health worker who is treating Covid-19 patients every single day puts my family members in a high risk position and it makes me feel …claustrophobic. But still all I do is wake up every morning and try to stay positive and productive and I urge you to do the same . By now we all know what measures we should take to prevent the spread so let’s just follow all the CDC guidelines and be kind to each other and ourselves. We all can use a little kindness during this time.
If you have any tips or something that you are doing that is helping you to cope with this situation I’d love to know . Stay safe .
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