Well.. for me Eating smoothie with a spoon is so much more fun than just drinking it ! Everyone is going Crazy over smoothie bowls cause they are super nutritious, it gives you some feeling of accomplishment when you eat it after your morning workout & also so dang pretty! Here is my version of green smoothie, I like them sweet! But feel free to play around with it and make a version of your own!
Prep time: 3 minute
Cook time: 2 minutes
Total time:5 minutes
Yield: 2 servings
Category: Vegan, Gluten-free
- 2 cups of spinach
- 1 avocado
- 1/2 green apple
- 1 frozen banana
- coconut milk/almond milk or the milk of your choice.I use coconut milk.
- 1/2 cup frozen mango/pineapple/dates for natural sweetness.
- 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt ,optional
- Toppings:sliced almond, any fruit like mixed berries, kiwi, sliced mango, nuts, granola, shredded coconut etc. The options are unlimited! There is nothing called” too much toppings” !
1.Smoothie should be thicker than regular smoothie so that the toppings do not sink at the bottom! The key to thickness is frozen fruit. Slice and freeze the fruit beforehand. It will also save your time and energy!Also you can use ice cubes to get the desired thickness.
2.Blend everything together in a blender until the smoothie is thick and creamy!
3.Put the smoothie in a bowl and be creative with your decoration of the bowl with assorted toppings!
Bon Appétit!